Welcome to my blog!  MY primary objective is to alert my constituents and others in King Township about issues being reviewed at the upcoming Council meetings.  I do this as I believe the quality of Council decisions is enhanced when the public is engaged.  I hope that residents will make deputations and/or send emails to Council to express their opinion and/or to ask important questions.  Also, I include notice of meetings and events which I think are particularly important.   I welcome your comments, whether you agree or not with me, and only edit to eliminate inappropriate language.

Recent Posts

2023 Operating Budget

On council February 6 agenda there is a report recommending adoption of a bylaw which would  include the 2023 operating budget, 2023 capital budget and the 2023 business plan for the Holland Marsh Drainage System.  The details of that bylaw are consistent with what was presented at the January 23 council meeting. Very specifically it includes an operating budget net increase of $1.586 million...

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Amendments to Protect the ORM

On February 6 Council agenda there is a staff report proposing amendments to zoning bylaws to address the impact  of Bill 23 on the municipality’s ability to protect the ecological value of the Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM). As presented in an earlier report Bill 23 prohibits the use of a planning tool called Site Plan Control, for  development activity on lands in the Oak Ridge Moraine when the...

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Request to Repeal Designation

On February 6 Council agenda there is a report addressing a request to repeal a designation bylaw for a property on 18th Sideroad, the former Second King Baptist Church.  Given the municipality’s responsibility to conserve heritage properties I concur with the Staff recommendation to not repeal the designation.  As reviewed in the report, even though the property has not been maintained as well...

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Recent Comments

  1. Hi Debbie, Thank you for highlighting this application for a zoning by-law amendment to allow for an on-farm diversified use.…

  2. Hello Sheila, Glad you have checked out the Zancor Centre. 1. Regarding your concern about harassment in the co'ed change…

  3. Having toured the facility, I do have a major concern about the co’ed change room and shower facilities. I personally…

  4. Hello Catherine, I do appreciate you making your comment. Since reading it I have asked some questions about the issue…