Pumping Station for Mansions of King

Jun 15, 2024 | Developments | 1 comment

On June 17 Council agenda there is a report which recommends authorizing a pre-servicing agreement to enable construction of the sanitary pumping station and associated sanitary servicing for the Mansions of King.  The engineering drawings have not been finalized but as it’s anticipated that they will be finalized during Council’s summer recess the requested Council approval is recommended on the condition of approval by Director of Growth Management Services.  This residential development is very slow; it was approved by the LPAT in April 2020 subject to a long list of conditions. As it’s my understanding, at time of writing this post,  that those conditions are being fulfilled, I am supportive of this recommendation. I will be confirming this.

1 Comment

  1. Ian Hilley

    Kingscross Ratepayers Association is concerned that there is a lack of transparency with respect to conditions of LPAT Appeal Decision PL170998 #61 & 62 with respect the terms of reference for a Groundwater & Private Well monitoring & contingency program (the “Program”). The Program & the results of the initial monitoring of wells will be requested by KRA given that the construction of the sanitary pumping station etc is likely to begin given that Council will likely authorize a pre-servcicing agreement.
    KRA would ask if you could ask what will be involved in the construction process? What will Kingscross residents see/ hear/ experience during the 18 months of construction of the sanitary pumping station & associated sanitary servicing on this the development site please?


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