On Nov. 16 Council agenda there is a report reviewing the plan to develop a new zoning bylaw for the rural part of the Township. In last couple years we have developed and approved new zoning bylaws for the 3 villages; this exercise is to deal with the rest of the Township. Its very important work as today’s development (e.g. building a new barn) is influenced by a zoning bylaw dating back to 1974 and the dozens of amendments which have been made since then. Its very onerous to anyone who wants to build. (This is not about if it is allowed to build a house or a barn as that it is permitted or not in the Official Plan. This is about where specifically it can be built. And there are more factors addressed in a zoning bylaw of course. 3 virtual public open houses will be held as the beginning of engagement with the public. Content will be identical; hopefull you can make it to one. meetings will be recorded and posted on SpeaKing; discussion papers etc. will be posted at SpeaKing as the process goes on.
Tuesday, December 1
Thursday, December 3
Wednesday, December 9