King Township is in the process of updating its Site Alteration By-law. The By-law is designed to limit activities, such as removing or adding soil, which might change the level of a homeowner’s land. Changing the land’s surface, or grade, could interfere with the way water moves off your property. Water that can’t drain off can cause problems for yourself or your neighbour. You can see here the presentation that was presented to Council in December. On Wednesday, February 3 at 12 noon there is a virtual public information session starting with a presentation then there will be opportunity for questions & asnwers. To participate you must register at This issue (i.e. regulating fill, changes to grade of land) is critical given our landscape, the amount of agriculture in King and that there are important acquifers throughout King. It is also important in any situation where, over time, neighbours decide to knock down structures and modify the grade of their land. This project is on our Speaking platform; I encourage you to register so that you can learn more and provide feedback at any time during the process.