On April 25 council agenda there is a staff report recommending that the Kettleby-Pottageville Lions Hall be declared surplus and that the sale and marketing of the property is to be started. As reviewed in the report there are several good reasons for this action. First, it’s usage has declined significantly. Secondly the capital costs required to execute the needed renovations to bring it to current codes (building and accessibility) are estimated at $300,000; but if we were inclined to maintain it the cost would be significantly more as we would want to upgrade it for energy efficiency. This building has served King very well: rental for weddings, entertainments, voting location; disposal is overdue. If you wish to comment on this recommendation and or make a deputation register at clerks@king.ca by Monday noon hour.
I agree it should be sold but to whom and for what use? Will there be constraints on that as there were for the old arena in Schomberg?
Hello Angela, I don’t really see the situation of the old arena in Schomberg as being a “comparator.” This building/site is in an area zoned rural residential and I expect that it will be sold as such.
Would that mean the whole park or is the building separate?
Kathy I think you misunderstand. The recommended surplus site is NOT the Pottageville Pavilion. Its the facility on west side of 7th concession south of Lloydtown Aurora Rd.