When you come across wildlife which is sick, injured or abandoned it can be rather nerve wracking as you simply don’t know what to do. In 2013 we ran a pilot program whereby Toronto Wildlife Centre (TWC) was contracted to provide support & services to our residents when they did encounter wildlife in trouble. At November 4th Council TWC made a presentation to better inform us of their services. One antecdote of service to a King Township resident was wonderful. A resident found an injured painted turtle (chrysemys picta) and took it to TWC; unfortunately it died within 24 hours. But, the technicians were able to harvest and care for its eggs; 8 hatched and were deposited in the vicinity of where the parent turtle had been found.
One of the many decisions of the 2014 budget will be to extend or not the program. I believe the service is warranted given the amount of natural spaces we enjoy in King. Need to know the full annual costs of such but I am hopeful as funding the pilot for part of the year was a modest $7,500.
For more information click here; if you come across a wild animal appearing sick, injured or abandoned call Toronto Wildlife Centre hotline at 416 631 0662.