As advertised in our local paper the final Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is now available for review. Given that some people have more discretionary time these days this may be a good opportunity to review this very large masterplan. At the February 24 Council meeting there was a report on the draft Transportation Master Plan (TMP); numerous deputations were given by the public identifying concerns and questions. I believe that the final version reflects perspectives presented. i) Confirmation that any recommendations to upload roads is a recommendation to investigate options and that Council approval will be required. ii) Interest in opening up 15th Sideroad west of Keele is identified as understanding the schedule for York Region to commence the pre-requisite Environmental Assessment. iii) More attention to improving the enablers of active transportation such as implementation and maintenance of walkable pathways to key destinations.
In “normal times” i.e. before the pandemic a final TMP would be published, posted on web and hard copies placed in municipal buildings. Due to the necessary closure of municipal facilities it is not feasible to provide hard copies in our various facitilites throughout the Township. The digital file is very large so you do need to access it on your computer or on a e-notepad. The current deadline for comments is April 13.