Staff continue to develop “a made in King” tree by-law; an update to the work is provided in a report going to Council February 24; you can read it here. I am very interested to hear what you think about it. My initial response when reading: creative and very responsive to citizens’ feedback. The focus is clear: an ever increasing healthy tree canopy in King Township.
As indicated in the report Staff have heard from many people and they are very keen to hear what you think about the new direction being proposed. Please let them know; and for sure I am very interested to hear from you, so please make a comment.
Great to implement a tree preservation bylaw for new developments. It is much easier for developers to come in and bulldoze everything flat, including trees and topography.
We only need to look at High Park in Toronto where trees and topography were left unchanged as homes were built.
It is a pleasure to walk and drive the hilly, shady streets.
Would be good to look back in a few years and be able to say the same thing in King.
I attended the Council Meeting of February 24, 2014 on this subject. I was very pleased to see the Mayor and Council having an open mind on the revision of this by-law and being receptive to input from concerned King Township residents. Hopefully, this sets the stage to an eventual by-law that truly promotes tree growth without burdening property owners with administrative red tape and punitive fees.
Thank you, and please convey my thanks also to the Mayor and your colleagues on Council.
Uli Rentsch
Hello Uli, I appreciate very much the time & effort you have expended in providing feedback to the tree bylaw. We heard a number of ideas from citizens on Monday evening; that along with other feedback provided separately has provided ideas on how to approach this bylaw. I will ensure my Council colleagues hear your feedback. thanks very much, Debbie