There is finally a settlement on the Mary Lake Estate development. The OMB hearing was completed on May 9th. The Board approved the revised draft plan of subdivision (87 lots), the revised draft plan conditions and the zoning bylaw.
The Kingscross Estate Ratepayers Association (KERA) worked very hard with the Township to achieve this result which satisfies their key issues/needs, namely the interface/transition issues with the Kingscross properties. Resolution of those issues has been achieved through the revised draft plan and conditions related to landscaping/buffer that requires the consent of the affected property owners.
There is no question: no party in this settlement achieved their total wish list; compromises were made. Importantly the parties did achieve a settlement without the OMB imposing one. And for this the KERA Board merits a huge round of applause.
As I am usually critical of the existence of the OMB and its interference with a municipality’s authority I must acknowledge that I do think it has been valuable in this case . It imposed a schedule and it was done so in a “friendly” manner. On at least two occasions meetings were deferred, as much as months, because a party requested the need for additional time. This development application has been in process for many years; it has been a heavy cloud of uncertainty for long enough.
The developer/owner now commences the task of meeting the 167 conditions of the draft plan. Only once that is done will the subdivision be registered and physical work on the site commence. It would not be surprising if this (i.e. filling the conditions) takes 2 years.