Virtual Meeting: agenda and livestreaming

May 2, 2020 | Debbie in the Community | 0 comments

Monday May 4th there is a virtual council meeting and a committee of the whole (COW). Agenda for each has been provided, as usual, on the Township website.  Here it is for Council; and here it is for COW.  The Council agenda includes an amendment to our bylaw to enable virtual council meetings during a declared Emergency.   Our IT staff have worked hard to set this up and to provide coaching to all of us on how to work effectively on the communication platform.

We, that is the Council, have participated in technical tests to confirm connectivity for each Council member as we will  be participating remotely with the exception of the Mayor who will be chairing both meetings. There will be a few Staff members on site also; and to confirm, they will all be  practising self distancing.  As indicated in earlier post this virtual meeting does not include participation of public; to provide any input on the agenda items send it to by noon on May 4 and it will be circulated to all Council members prior to the meeting.



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