On January 10 Council agenda there is a staff report recommending water and wastewater rates for 2022. The proposed rates will increase the average annual water bill by 3.5% for water and 3% for wastewater services. It’s estimated that this will represent an annual increase of $58.57 over 2021. The report provides details on how the rate is derived; the key principles are as follows. I) There must be full cost recovery which includes the concept of building a reserve to cover maintenance and ultimately replacement as the infrastructure ages. 2) Encouraging conservation and effective use of water services. Water is a precious resource; we are very fortunate to have access to it and to have it delivered to us in a safe manner. If you wish to make a deputation please contact clerks@king.ca by noon on January 10 to register. And/or on same timing you can send your questions and comments to clerks@king.ca who will forward onto Council. There will be a presentation on this report prior to deputations being heard or Council discussing the report; suggest you listen & watch if this report is of interest.
A key input to King’s rates is the rate that York Region charges to the local municipality. In September 2021 YR astpproved a combined water and wastewater rate increase of 3.3% each year from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2028. This increase is required to enable York Region to meet the need for full cost recovery and to ensure there is a reserve to address maintenance requirements and ultimately replacement. In addition York Region needed to recover from the rate relief given in 2020 and 2021 in response to COVID.