Monday, July 6 there is a Working Committee of the Whole (COW) Working Session on issues related to special events and noise by-law. The meeting will begin at 4 PM and will likely run to about 5:30 as regular Council meeting will being at 6 PM. COW Working Sessions are open to the public. Its purpose is to allow time for Council members to understand an issue and to discuss it; no decisions are made, no direction is given to Staff at a Working Session. It is an opportunity for the public to learn about the issue too; but, public participation is limited to listening only.
Before becoming a Councillor I thought the restrictions on public participation was a bit “weird” but now, as a sitting Councillor, I really understand the rationale and the need. With rare exception 4 or more Council members, with or without Staff, cannot meet together to discuss issues, simple or complex ones without having a formal meeting (i.e. Council or COW). When there is a complex issue, a Working COW session is the way for Staff to provide background, to answer questions; and for Council members to ask each other about their perspective. Then, if later, there is Staff report with recommendations for action, there is some common understanding. Clearly, if as a result of listening to the presentations and discussion a member of the public has questions, or wants to communicate a point of view to Council members they can do so in same manner as they do any time i.e. phone, email, letter etc.
Here is formal notice for this particular Working Session.