On June 26 Council agenda there is a report recommending the approval of the new King City & Schomberg Zoning By-law. As I indicated recently I think this new zoning by-law is a very big step improvement in the regulations for what is built and what activities occur within the two villages. It provides well thought out regulations for new residential properties in the established neighbourhoods so that the character of the latter is not lost but yet the desires for different housing than what was built years ago are not denied. The regulations for the Core Area are far more encouraging for appropriate development. Finally, given the significant heavy rainfall experienced very recently the wisdom of incorporating minimum pervious surface requirements is very obvious. Click here to access report, maps and the by-law. (After you click, scroll down to 2nd agenda item.) I am very appreciative of the effort made by many individuals during the last 12 months to participate in work shops and to provide input. I know too well that understanding zoning by-laws is not intuitive so I am particularly grateful for these efforts!
As mentioned above input on the zoning by-law came from citizens in addition to the various agencies such as the Conservation Authorities, York Region etc. Appendix B documents feedback received on the draft and very importantly identifies the response and action, if any.
In near future Staff will be issuing a draft Official Plan for review and comments. There are a couple aspects of the OP which are really the second critical tool for managing the evolution of our villages. 1st, it is through the OP process that properties can have their zone changed from being residential to commercial, for example. As noted in the June 26 report there are already several requests to extend Core Areas by doing just that i.e. change from residential to commercial. 2nd, in the OP severance policies are determined. As the latter have an impact on the character of established neighbourhoods these policies are significant.
Here is link to report on Council on 6/26 and numerous attachments.(After you click, scroll down to 2nd agenda item.) If you are interested to review earlier versions and the discussion papers see here.