Apartments on Banner Lane

Oct 4, 2024 | Developments | 2 comments

At the October 7 Council meeting there is a statutory public meeting for an application regarding 24 Banner Lane  to amend the zoning bylaw to permit development of a four story apartment building. The report reviews in detail how the application is in conformity with our official plan “Our King.” And it reviews the amendments required given the various standards in the  Schomberg and King City Urban Area zoning bylaw.  To my mind there are several positive aspects to this application:  it is for an apartment building with a range of size (1-3 bedroom units) and it’s proximity to public transit and other community assets such as library and schools. To see the draft zoning bylaw amendment and information about the site plan go to meeting agenda and scroll to agenda item 7.2.

As noted in the report there are several detailed technical reviews still underway. Given the information provided in the report the one aspect I am particularly interested  about relates to drainage and stormwater management. The application proposes an increase in lot coverage from 40% to 57%. This reduction in permeable surface in conjunction with the mixed-use property immediately to the north and the six story condo building on the other side of banner causes me to wonder about how rainfall will be managed.

No decisions will be made on October 7th other than refering it back to Staff.

If you wish to make a deputation at Council in person there is no need to register in advance as it is a statutory public meeting.  If you want to make your deputation remotely please register with by noon Sept. 23rd. If you want to send an email to Council please send to an email by noon Oct. 7.


  1. Sheila Comisso

    As it stands right now the under construction condo is a stand alone structure. Obnoxious to say the least especially since the street view does not accurately represent the incursion into what once was a lovely low density neighbourhood of single family dwellings. This application is a continuation of stacking housing units abutting formerly low density neighbourhoods. The water issue is a relevant concern. We are always counting on there will not be a flooding issue in our own backyard but yet we see countless times that this premise is quickly fading as climate change ramps up. Of course the condo owner will likely be held responsible for the mop up should the unthinkable materialize. But, as a municipality there is an opportunity to take mitigation steps that flooding will never take place in the first place. Is there though the political will?

    • Debbie

      Hello Sheila, I believe strongly that intensification must occur given the growth that has been assigned to the Township and that I believe equally strongly that we must stay within our urban boundary. Hence, the choice is where to intensify. I think this is the right location for such given proximity to public transit, schools, library. Also there are already incursions into what once was a low density neighbourhood, specifically the 6 storey condo on King Road at Patterson. The detailed planning for the apartment building will need to address the relationship of the condo driveway onto Patton and the driveway for the new apartment building.

      As you say goal needs to be eliminating or at least minimizing flood risk and not on accountability for clean up.


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