Deliberations on the 2014 budget begin at December 16 Council. You can review the draft budget here. The draft proposes an increase of 2.59%; assuming the proposed York Region increase of 1.54% and the proposed neutral rate from School Board,the blended increase for King residents is 1.56% which amounts to an increase of $108.94 annually on the average residential property assessed at $711,902. I would very much like to hear from you on your thoughts about the budget. I know that all of Council would welcome hearing from you on December 16. Here is where you can read the budget.
At this stage in my review I am pretty comfortable with the budget. By this I mean that I am generally supportive with the work program proposed for the year which is essentially a continuation of current work plus 12 changes/additions (these are referred to as “program changes” in the budget). There has been real effort to set priorities but I do challenge the wisdom of a couple things not being funded.
Below are a couple choices of which I am very supportive.
- It is proposed that we continue to add funds to our infrastructure reserves and in fact are adding $174,000 more than last year. (As I have commented previously this reserve is too low for comfort.
- Additional funds are being allocated to Parks Recreation & Culture (PR&C)to ensure that we are marketing the vast array of programs being run by PR&C effectively and to enable them to provide needed support for the various new events being held in Township.
- Establishment of a Heritage Grant program whereby property owners of designated properties can apply for matching funds (50/50) for restoration/maintenance projects. The proposal is for a modest $15,000 fund. Protecting & preserving our cultural heritage and our history benefits all.
I am concerned about a couple things the draft budget is proposing NOT to do. At 12/16 Council I will learn how other Council members feel about these issues; and if they agree we need to decide whether we cut back something else or do we increase taxes further. (note: 1% tax increase amounts to ~$192,000 expenditures.)
- Except for funds to complete the Ansnorveldt sidewalk there are no funds for sidewalk replacements. As proposed by Engineering & Public Works we should be putting $30,000 into budget to do a few feet every year. As it costs $131/linear meter, $30,000 would buy us 229 meters.
- I also think we need to be more aggressive in budgeting for street calming; draft budget includes $40,000; given direction Council gave at last Council meeting re: the Burton Grove area in King City and Hill Farm in Nobleton I think this is inadequate as I know there are other areas concerned about speeding traffic. Yes, we cannot do it all at once but I think it is of greater priority.
Would like to hear from you: email me, post a comment on my website or phone me. And, would be great to see you at Council and to hear from you there. We are target to approve the budget at our January 13 meeting.