2021 Budget

Jan 23, 2021 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues | 0 comments

On January 25 Council agenda there is Staff report presenting the draft 2021 operating budget and 2021-2022 capital budget.  As indicated these budgets MAY be approved at this Council meeting or approval may be defered until Feb. 8th.   The proposed increase on the Township portion is .81%; total increase (i.e. Region and Education) is an increase of 1.89%.   The 2021-2022 capital budgets total $48.8 million.   For properties with an assessed value of $1 million the increase in total tax levy is $149.88. As I discuss further below I am comfortable to support the program changes (which is the means by which a service level change is proposed).  I believe very tough choices have been made:  current service levels are maintained and appropriate increases proposed.

Justifications for all 7 program changes are in the budget binder in the sections of the department which is proposing it.  Below are my comments about the 3 with the highest impact on budget.

One of the program changes is for a Climate Change Co-ordinator.  (For last 2 years this role was funded by a grant.) To my mind, this role is not discretionary.  The Council has acknowledged the there is a Climate Emergency with our resolution in July 2019. Modifying the way the municpality delivers services such that our emissions are reduced is critical; to do so effectively we need focus on it to deliver and execute the plan.  The Township also has a responsibility to work with community at large to reduce emissions.  I believe that our proposed incremental increase in expenses is too  modest but given the financial impact of pandemic I think this increase is appropriate; and indeed the Co-ordiantor will be working to ensure that any initiatives funded for other reasons/purposes will be executed with a climate lense.  An example of this the renovation of the Schomberg Community Hall.  (For more information see budget binder page 64 of 280.)

Another program change is a supervisor for Service King.  I have been less certain about the wisdom of this but with questions and looking at the data on usage levels I have come round to seeing it as appropriate.  Current residents, current businesses and those thinking of moving to King should be able to assume that good, accurate answers will be provided and that they will be directed to the right departments in a timelymanner.  Today  Service King is providing much better service than previously but a higher level can be achieved.  Anecdoral evidence that service is better:  it has been a long time since a constituent has called me to complain that they are not getting an answer; now, its more that they don’t like the answer and wonder if i can influence.  (For more information see budget binder page 82 of 280.)

There is a program change for disposal of ditching materials.  Our ditches need to be cleaned out.  Unfortunately we may not be able to continue previous method (disposal at our own landfill)  as it is at capacity; hence we may need to transport it to a site where there is potential to have the “waste” cleaned.  (For more information see budget binder page 145 of 280.)

As you work through the budget binder there are a couple projects which do not appear  but which are of great importance to some Ward 5 residents.  Namely phase 2 of Kettle Lake Park and the playground in the green space at the Heritage and Culture Centre.  Both of these projects were funded last year and are scheduled for execution in 2021.


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