2023-2026 Corporate strategic Plan

May 28, 2023 | Policies, Masterplans, The Issues | 1 comment

At May 29 Council meeting there will be a presentation on the proposed corporate strategic plan for 2023-2026.  As reviewed in the report on same which will be discussed following the presentation there has been a significant amount of prepartory work.  I think the new framework is a good change as it is simple:  What do you want to achieve (objective) and what will indicate  that you have achieved it (Key results).   The objectives and key results will be constant for 2023-2026; annually the actions (what is being done to achieve the results)  will be reported.  Accordingly, budgets, resource decisions will be driven by the actions.

I do have some questions/concerns about the plan:

  1. some of the indicated key results for tree canopy and nature are not aggressive enough as the identified  result is a strategy in 2026 as opposed to executing the strateg
  2. key results re climate change seem to be exclusively about corporate; what about the leaderships and work the municipality needs to do with community
  3. I think the rationale for improving our capital assets needs to be expanded to include preparedness for impact of climate change

I welcome your comments and questions about the new strategic plan.  To make a deputation please register at clerks@king.ca by noon May 29.  Or, you can email council at same address and same timing.  And you can also make a comment here or contact me directly.

1 Comment

  1. Ian Hilley

    Debbie: Thank you for summarizing the over 500 pages of material to be considered at the Council meeting this evening. This is a heavy load to navigate given that it was only posted last Thursday. Thank you for getting through all this information.


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