A plan to “improve” King Road between Hwy’s 400 and 27 is starting to have some details. Study has commenced, alternative solutions identified and 1st public information session scheduled for November 10. A comprehensive presentation was made to Council November 1 by York Region.
The identified problem: projections show traffic volumes exceeding capacity by 2031; in addition there are steep road grades and some poor sightlines. Out of 6 solutions a preferred primary one and a secondary supportive one has been identified. The preferred primary solution: widen from 2 to 4 lanes. The secondary supportive one: transportation demand management i.e. car pooling, transit.
Council’s questions and comments were uniform in indicating disapproval of the plan.
Personally I struggle with forecasting models that continue to show high reliance on the car. In a world with peak oil I cannot believe that we will continue to behave the way we do. And if true, isn’t it so because the alternative i.e. effective public transit, is not available as opposed to being in our DNA because we are rural?
The implications on Nobleton as a community are scary. It does not take imagination to see the impact of 4 lanes going through a village; one only has to look at King City.
The impact on the natural heritage along the route is significant. But, I must acknowledge that it was made quite evident that this is not being ignored as numerous environmental constraints were identified in the presentation e.g. there are 11 water crossings of which 4 are habitats for endangered species.
I urge people to attend the Thursday, Nov. 10 session to get more complete information and to ensure that YR understands your perspective. It’s at Dr. William Laceby Nobleton Arena, 6-9 with the presentation at 6:30.