Active Transportation Plan

Sep 18, 2020 | Debbie in the Community | 0 comments

On Council agenda Monday Sept. 21 there is a large important report on the Active Transportation Plan.  I am excited about this as it captures many ideas identified many times as being valuable enhancements to our daily living (e.g. midblock pedestrian crossings) and provides good perspective on the costs and other constraints to implementing.  Very importantly it provides a methodolgy for setting priorities. The importance of this Plan is accentuated by how increasing options for safe and pleasant use of active transportation modes can contribute to our effort to reduce greenhouse emissions as fossil fuel vehicles are one of the largest sources of GHG.  I know that many citizens have engaged in this process to provide ideas and feedback.  Here is the brief staff report recommending that Council receive the Plan for information; and here is the Plan.  I will be asking for the plan to track and report implementation over the next 10 years.  As has been Township practice since COVID you can observe live stream at; and if you want to submit comments or register to make a deputation, contact do so by noon Sept. 21.

Prior to the council meeting which begins at 6pm there is a Committe of the Whole Working Session beginning at 5pm.  Members of the public may attend this virtual meeting at which the consultants who have produced the Active Transportation Plan will be presenting the Plan and will take questions from Council. Here is agenda for that meeting.


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