News and Updates in King Township

I use this blog to inform you of issues within the Township which are being assessed at the Council table as well as tell you about events happening in the Township which are of interest.

Amendments For Priestley Demolition

At the September 23rd Council there is a recommendation to approve  applications to enable development at  the two properties on Lloydtown Aurora Rd west of Jane where Priestly Demolition operates. Specifically, the applications include amending the Official Plan to...

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Notice of motion Re Speed humps

There is a motion by Councillor Cescolini to expedite speed hump installation on Tatton Court. I have no background information on it at this point so will not comment on my thoughts on the matter except to say that everywhere people are speeding; traffic calming is...

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Heritage Designations

On September 23rd Council meeting there is a report recommending that Council issue an intent to designate three properties in King because of their cultural heritage interest or value under part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act (OHA). I suspect that many persons will...

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Snow Removal Service For Eligible Seniors

Snow Removal Service For Eligible Seniors

King Township will once again assist seniors ages 65 and older and individuals with disabilities through its specialized snow removal assistance program, which helps residents clear snow from the end of their driveway, if they are unable due to age or disability. ...

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Safe Streets Start Here

Safe Streets Start Here

Safe Streets Start Here! King's traffic safety campaign, kicked off Sept. 3 with a four-week drive to make King’s roads safer.   Each week in September, a critical safety issue will be spotlighted, from pedestrian awareness and bike safety to tackling impaired and...

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How King Will Grow

Are you interested to know how much King will grow through to 2051?  If so, come to the Public Open House on Monday, Sept.  6-8 p.m., with a presentation starting at 6:30p.m. at the Municipal Centre. How much King will grow, how much land is required for employment,...

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Mid Term Report

As this is the first Council meeting after the summer hiatus it is very nice that the first agenda item is a positive, upbeat one:  Celebrating King's Accomplishments-2023-2026 mid term report.  You can read the report or listen to the presentation which will be made...

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Resolution About Carbon Tax

On September 9 council agenda there is a resolution tabled by Mayor Pellegrini and seconded by Councillor Boyd. The resolution is to i) ask the federal government to exclude home heating from the federal carbon tax and  ii) ask the federal and provincial governments...

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Resolution About 17th SDRD

On September 9 council agenda there is a resolution tabled by Councillor Anstey and seconded by Councillor Asselstine to assess the road collisions on the 17th Sideroad between Hwy 27 and 10th concession.  I support it.  Traffic safety continues to be a serious issue...

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Kettleby Road Reconstruction

On Sept. 9 Council agenda there is a report reviewing the award  of tender for reconstructing Kettleby Road to Graham Bros. The project is much greater than envisioned back 10 years ago  when the need to repair the road was first identified.  Complete road...

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10th and 15th Road Reconstruction

On Sept. 9 Council agenda there is a report reviewing the award  of tender for reconstructing 10th concession and 15th SDRD.  The 2020 Transportation Master Plan recommends several corridors that should be improved to support a Goods Movement Network throughout the...

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Enforcing Our Bylaws with AMPS

On September 9 council agenda there is report recommending expanding the use of the Administrative Monetary Penalty System  (AMPS) to include the following Bylaws:   Clean Yards, Fence, Fireworks, Road Occupancy, Noise, Parks, Property Standards and Sign.  Our first...

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Recent Comments


  1. I don't. Fall is sad. It marks the last moments for much of the wild, free world of summer. There…

  2. Hello Sheila, I believe strongly that intensification must occur given the growth that has been assigned to the Township and…

  3. As it stands right now the under construction condo is a stand alone structure. Obnoxious to say the least especially…

  4. This is a very positive and timely initiative by King Township. I'm glad to see this featured in the King…

  5. I agree...we need heritage expertise; if we cannot recruit immediately we need to get a Consultant. Just to clarify...Colin resigned…

  6. There was a pre-construction meeting with residents 9/19 to which there was very good attendance. From the tone of the…

  7. It is hoped that the plans comply with the wishes of the citizens/residents of Kettleby

  8. We are also very supportive of the recommendations but are unable to make a deputation or make comments to Council…

  9. I was surprised to learn that we no longer have a qualified heritage person hired by King Township. Heritage is…