Blue Box: full producer responsibility

May 2, 2020 | Debbie in the Community | 2 comments

On agenda there is a report recommending a preferred date for transitioning to full producer responsibility for the blue box.  The report recommends maintaining status quo until Dec.31, 2025 which coincides with the expiry of our current waste collection contract.  I am disappointed with the recommendation but I think the argument related to the complexity of making the change during the life of the current contract is valid and I can appreciate that there is benefit of waiting till others have acted so that there are learnings.  My disappointment is about how slow we are in Ontario in making meaningful changes in our waste stream so that less is going to landfill.  And I want to emphasize that I am not talking about York Region’s or King’s performance but the Province and the industry producing and using plastics.  We are only going to make significant progress on reducing tonnage to landfills with significant innovation; and that innovation is not going to occur until the “source” of the plastic has the incentive to innovate.  My appreciation for what needs to be done to significantly reduce tonnage t0 landfill was greatly increased by listening to Clarissa Morawski recently who has been very actively involved with this issue in the EU where there are very aggressive targets for recycle content.  If garbage, and specifically plastics, is one of your interests, I suggest you watch this Environmental Defence webinar on Youtube.


  1. Ian Hilley


    Thank you for your coverage of the agenda items for the first virtual public mtg of the Council of King Township.

    I look forward to the discussion of the proposal to add an additional rep for Vaughan on the Regional Council of York, the proposal to have a York region for service and the stewardship of the contents of the blue boxes.

    I a disappointed like you with respect to concerns about plastic containers.

    I have an issue with out society though.

    We are fortunate that the King City trails remain open through Covid. It is frustrating to see fast food drinks cups, plastic water bottles, dog poo bags & ,believe it or not, used diapers, dropped as litter by folks enjoying this great resource.

    Further, earth day & the spring clean up have passed by this year when previously good citizens of king have been able to reset to zero the garbage along Keele. On a bike ride today, Sunday, I could not believe how much garbage is littered at the side of the road going north on Keele from King City- along the 16th eastwards & south on Dufferin. Sad to say I assume the same is true of Jane Street & all other roads through this great township.

    Is now not the time for King Township council, in the spirit it its declaration of a climate emergency last year, to initiate the “Keep King Kleen” challenge to all our citizens & those passing through- with signage encouraging folks to be stewards of the future world we wish to see?

    I am out on the trails before garbage pick up day with my rubber gloves & waste bags- but the Townships help to mobilize more efforts would be appreciated

    Covid is no excuse to start now

    Thank you in advance for your effort to support the Keep King Kleen Kampaign

    • Debbie

      The lack of the annual Twshp drive for “clean up” is really evident. There are areas on King Road which so digusted me that I have stopped on the road side and filled garbage bags. (Sometime in past I started keeping garbage bags and gloves in trunk of car….weird I know but very useful.) Twshp did not do the annual drive this year as the tradition is to encourage neighbourhoods or groups to do the work and that would be very inconsistent with the focus on physical distancing in response to the COVID crisis. Given that we seem to be entering the first phase of opening up this might be the time to initiate a program, different than previous, but something! As for why/how the garbage is there to begin with I can only shake my head at my fellow human beings….so disrespectful, so shameful.


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