Bylaw Enforcement Policy

Jun 26, 2021 | The Issues | 1 comment

On Council agenda June 28th there is a report from Bylaw proposing a corporate policy for bylaw enforcement services. To clarify:  it’s not about new bylaws; it’s a policy as to how bylaw officers will respond to complaints and very importantly it identifies the communications which will occur between bylaw investigating the complaint and the persons who made the complaint. From my own observations the two trends identified in the report which has triggered this proposed policy are very true. 1st more complaints are being made. 2nd, those who have made the complaints are wanting more information as to what is being done to both investigate and bring the activity into compliance. The proposed policy identifies how complaints are given a priority and what the service expectations of a complainant should be. In the report there is also a recommendation for staff to investigate implementing an Administrative Monetary Penalty System;  I support that staff should look at the municipalities who have already implemented this with the goal of implementing this in King. I really hope that people will review this policy and provide comments to staff. As always you can present comments at a Council meeting by registering at 0r 905 833 4068 by 12 noon on June 28th; or comments can be emailed to and they will be circulated to Council. If you are unable to meet these deadlines I urge you to provide comments afterwards as the policy proposal’s intent is to improve service to King residents who see and report violations.

1 Comment

  1. Don Eyles

    Re bylaw enforcement…the property at Keele Street and Dennison…the proposed townhouse developement… is now a real eyesore…all 4 acres or whatever it is…weeds and trash everywhere…perhaps you could send a bylaw officer go inspect it


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