Wondering What To Do in November?

Thanks to hard working, creative and committed volunteers there are a several events in the next couple weeks which are well worth attending. Here are a couple. As a reminder these events are posted on my calendar on the right side of the home page. Fall Bazar &...

What Is the Hurry?

People are driving too fast everywhere.  At the upcoming (11/4) Council meeting there is a Staff report that a petition has been received from residents on Kingslynn Drive requesting traffic calming measures to improve pedestrian safety.  At last Council meeting...

New Trail Opportunity–public input wanted

We are very fortunate to be able to easily and quickly access  many trails. And there will be more: new trails are being planned in the Nashville Resource Management Tract (NRMT). NRMT is owned by Toronto Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA); its north/south borders...

Draft Museum Strategy

A draft museum strategy was tabled at Council September 23. I am very enthusiastic about the strategy as it is not just a plan for status quo. Our Museum has gone through a significant disruption due to our decision to allow the temporary sales office to operate from...

Exciting Things To Do on Saturday Oct. 5

There are three fabulous events on Saturday October 5. Holland Marsh Soupfest 11-4 PM in Ansnorveldt In case you have not participated in this before:  you walk from soup pot to soup pot and select soups to taste knowing that each has been lovingly prepared...