Different Council meetings and 2021 Schedule

On Council agenda for November 30 there is a report identifying dates for the Council meetings.  Usually this annual report is purely administrative.  This year there is one bigger change/news item.  Staff are proposing to introduce an additional meeting solely...

Development Charges

On Council agenda for November 30 there is a Staff report on the proposed new Development Charges (DC) for King.  In last Council meeting we had an “introduction” to the subject; in the 11/30 meeting there is much more detail, including the specific...
Christmas in King Holiday Light Tour

Christmas in King Holiday Light Tour

November 30 is the last day to register your property on the Christmas in King Holiday Light Tour.  As it is my habit to drive around King looking for beautiful light displays I am thrilled at this initiative.  Buying the map will ensure that I don’t miss any...

Forestbrooks Hills subdivision in Schomberg

In November 30 Council there is a report recommending approval of a draft plan subdivision and the zoning bylaw for Forest Hills in Schomberg.  This is phase 2 of what has already been built on Roselean Drive.  As reviewed there has been significant public...