Financial Impact of COVID

On Council agenda Sept. 21 there is a staff report reviewing forecasted cost impact of COVID-19 for this calendar year.  The anticipated cost is significantly mitigated by the Federal/ Provincial Safe Start Agreement.  Specifically, forecasted net impact is a deficit...

Active Transportation Plan

On Council agenda Monday Sept. 21 there is a large important report on the Active Transportation Plan.  I am excited about this as it captures many ideas identified many times as being valuable enhancements to our daily living (e.g. midblock pedestrian crossings) and...

What I Heard at AMO

I attended the virtual Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) conference for Aug. 17-20.  As I found these conferences in past years to be worthwhil I looked forward to it and was curious as to how effective it would be as a virtual experience.  Again, there...

Active Transportation Plan: setting priorities

For several months residents have been providing feedback and asking questions about active transportation throughout King Township. On Friday September 10 there will be a virtual public information centre (PIC) at 12 noon.  We can’t do all the projects at once;...

September Council Meetings

Monday, September 21 there are Council meetings; specifically at 5 pm there is a Working Committee of the Whole Session at which Staff will be providing Council information about the active transportation strategy and the traffic calming strategy.  Purpose of a...