Diversions, Activities for All

King At Home is a treasure chest of ideas for how to bring some lightness, some fun into our daily lives.  After 6 weeks of living with the restrictions required to do my part in flattening the curve, to make our community safe & healthy again, I was delighted to...

COVID Announcements and Stats

Below is  Mayor Pellegrini’s Facebook posting on Sunday May 3 KEY UPDATES FEDERAL The Prime Minister announced: A $240 million investment to bring health care online for primary and mental health care; funding will increase access and resources for Canadians by...

Community Groups

If you are involved with a non profit community program which provides programs to the community, your group may be eligible to receive a grant from the Township.  Applications for a grant must be submitted by May 15.  Here is a link to the criteria and application...

Virtual Meeting: agenda and livestreaming

Monday May 4th there is a virtual council meeting and a committee of the whole (COW). Agenda for each has been provided, as usual, on the Township website.  Here it is for Council; and here it is for COW.  The Council agenda includes an amendment to our bylaw to...

Resolution on York Region Composition

On Council agenda there is York Region resolution to consider and to indicate support, or no support for it.  The resolution is increase by 1 person the York Region Council by increasing the number of persons representing Vaughan from 4 to 5.  The report provides good...

Resolution re Regional Fire Service

On agenda there is a resolution as to whether King supports a study on the creation of a regional fire service for York Region.  To my mind there is no data to suggest that King residents and businesses would be better served with a regional fire service.  Years ago...