Draft Tree By-law

At November 18 Council there is a report on the draft tree bylaw for private property in the 3 villages.  As reviewed in the report there has been a significant public consultation process since the draft was presented at Council in June.  I am shocked at the feedback...

How To Meet Our 45% Reduction in GHG

On Council agenda for Nov. 18 there is the Staff report for Township’s Corporate Energy Management and Conservation Plan 2019-2023.  It has been drafted to align with the aggressive target of 45% reduction of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by 2030.  The report...

GTA West Corridor

At November 4 Council meeting there will be a deputation by Ministry of Transport re:  the GTA West  Corridor,specifically the planning and environmental assessment study, stage 2.  I have made several posts on this issues reviewing my opposition; accordingly I was...

Green Development Standards

On Oct. 7 Council agenda there is a report presenting a draft proposal for a Sustainable Development Standards Program. As reviewed for several years there has been a “checklist” of features which King wants to be incorporated into new developments but...