Sign By-law

When considering the new sign bylaw at previous Council meeting input was provided by a business owner in King Ridge that there should be opportunity for a 3rd temporary sign on the King Road frontage.  Given the feedback and discussion Staff did detailed thorough...

Review of 2018 Budget is Delayed

Due to unforseen circumstances the  2018 budget and business plan is not available for review now as was anticipated.  At Jan. 22 Council there is a a Staff report providing a top level perspective on the budget.  As I don’t have any of the details I cannot...

An Act Replacing OMB

On Jan. 8th Council agenda there is a staff report reviewing implications of Bill 139, the Building Better Communities and Conserving Watershed Act.  (This is the Act which eliminates Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).)The Act provides a framework whereby those who hear...

Potential for East Humber Headwaters Park!

There is no guarantee of outcome but if it comes to pass this is a fabulous development:  a new park on the Oak Ridges Moraine east of King City to be called East Humber Headwaters Park.  As indicated in the resolution this outcome is contemplated as the result of a...

2018 Budget & Business Plan

At 5 PM on December 11 there is a working session of Committee of Whole.  Public is welcome to attend and listen but the target audience, so to speak, is Council members i.e.  questions from public are not entertained.  Subject of the session is the draft 2018 budget...