New Trees and Maintenance

On Council 6/12 agenda there is a report recommending service providers for supplying new trees to replace damage done by emerald ash borer.  Report also includes contract for ongoing tree maintenance.  Our 2017 budget included $225,000 for tree replacement.  I want...
Moving Laskay Hall

Moving Laskay Hall

On Council COW agenda there is a Staff report recommending the re-location of Laskay Hall to the Heritage Cultural Centre.  This is a significant, major decision for the Township. As reviewed  the decision has only been made after careful thorough assessment of...

King City GO Train Survey: Updated Web Link

Updated GO Train Survey To access GO train survey regarding changes to train station in King City here is the link. As I said in an earlier post, this survey is important given the magnitude of changes to come.  I have heard from readers that links provided earlier...

Metrolinx at Council on April 3rd

Metrolinx is on the April 3rd Council agenda; title of their deputation is “Creating Connections in King City.”  I think this will be a very interesting presentation.  Here is what I am looking for:   electrification schedule for the GO trains; noise...