Jul 17, 2017 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
As evident from letters to the editor in our local paper and from the phone calls & emails I have received a number of residents were very unprepared for the magnitude of their 2017 property tax increase. I suspect all of us were very aware of the significant...
Jun 11, 2017 | The Issues
On Council 6/12 agenda there is a report recommending service providers for supplying new trees to replace damage done by emerald ash borer. Report also includes contract for ongoing tree maintenance. Our 2017 budget included $225,000 for tree replacement. I want...
May 27, 2017 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
On Council COW agenda there is a Staff report recommending the re-location of Laskay Hall to the Heritage Cultural Centre. This is a significant, major decision for the Township. As reviewed the decision has only been made after careful thorough assessment of...
May 4, 2017 | The Issues, Transportation
Updated GO Train Survey To access GO train survey regarding changes to train station in King City here is the link. As I said in an earlier post, this survey is important given the magnitude of changes to come. I have heard from readers that links provided earlier...
May 1, 2017 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
The upcoming changes to level of service of GO train in King City are very exciting and significant. Frequent trains (every 15 minutes), both ways, all days means that the jobs and the cultural offerings in Toronto will be accessible without the challenging drive on...
Apr 2, 2017 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
Metrolinx is on the April 3rd Council agenda; title of their deputation is “Creating Connections in King City.” I think this will be a very interesting presentation. Here is what I am looking for: electrification schedule for the GO trains; noise...