Nobleton Zoning By-law–next meeting

The draft of a new zoning by-law is the subject of a public meeting on June 3, 7-9PM.  Meeting will be held at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, 5750 King Road. (The Church is about 1 km east of Hwy 27.) As indicated on the notice for the meeting the draft by-law...

Right To A Healthy Environment

At the May 11 Council, I hope that my fellow Council members will join me in approving a declaration of the Right To A Healthy Environment.  At our last meeting Council received deputation from students of County Day School asking King to pass such a resolution.   You...
Plant a Tree

Plant a Tree

Add to the beauty of your property.  Add to the Township’s canopy.  Do a good thing for all us.  Plant a tree or plant alot of trees.  If you are in one of the Villages LEAF’s full service backyard planting may be perfect:  select your tree and have...