Schomberg Ag Arena Initiative Update

We are moving one step further towards a decision on whether we have an acceptable “deal” for the Schomberg Agricultural Arena and Community Centre. In the report tabled for the 11/4 Council it is clear that we have a proposal from Caregiver Omnimedia...

New Sign By-law–draft

A draft new sign by-law is on the agenda for Council on October 21st. I am very pleased that the draft shows a continued priority on maintaining a respectful and protective attitude towards the natural beauty of our landscape and countryside. It would be so easy to...

Roundabout Open House

York Region is hosting an open house to provide information on the lead solution for improving the safety of the intersection at Lloydtown Aurora Rd and Keele intersection, namely a roundabout. Wednesday, Oct. 16 Kettleby Public School 6 PM to 8 PM I encourage people...

Official Plan Review Begins!

Why should you care that a review of the Official Plan (OP) for King Township has been initiated.?  An OP is a significant foundation-type document as to how a municipality is to evolve: how lands should be used, where development should occur and not occur, which...

To Be Prepared Information Is Required

I brought to the attention of Council that City of Stratford had passed a Resolution seeking to enhance community safety by addressing the concerns of railway safety. Council supported the resolution. And very importantly Chief Wall and his Staff have contacted the...

Draft Museum Strategy

A draft museum strategy was tabled at Council September 23. I am very enthusiastic about the strategy as it is not just a plan for status quo. Our Museum has gone through a significant disruption due to our decision to allow the temporary sales office to operate from...