Sep 13, 2013 | The Issues
Council heard very good news on Monday: we have an operating surplus for 2012 of $1.6 million. Not only is the magnitude a good story but it is also to be celebrated that 19 % ($306.4 thousand) is due to Township Staff identifying ways to reduce costs. We have...
Sep 6, 2013 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
The Long Term Energy Plan for Ontario is under review.There is much discussion these days about how Ontario’s demand for electricity should be met; Municipal Staff and Council are providing input. As a resident, business owner in Ontario your input is wanted...
Sep 6, 2013 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
An application to create a banquet facility/wedding venue has been denied unanimously by King Council. As I have not been supportive of the application when it was first presented at Council I am very pleased that Council’s position on the matter is so clear;...
Jul 22, 2013 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
Over the last couple months Council has received petitions from residents requesting a variety of changes to municipal property: installation of speed bumps and modifications to development plans such that a sidewalk is not poured and a landscaped island is not...
Jul 22, 2013 | The Issues
My motion that a letter should be sent to Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing requesting that the process for reviewing the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) and the Greenbelt Plan (GB) be identified was passed unanimously at July 8th Council. ...