Council Working Sessions Of Interest

There are several “working sessions” for Council this month. At a “working session” Staff presents background information and/or training to Council on an issue. Council asks questions; there may be discussion between Staff and Council. Staff...

Budget Surplus in 2012

Council heard very good news on Monday:  we have an operating surplus for 2012 of $1.6 million.  Not only is the magnitude a good story but it is also to be celebrated that  19 % ($306.4 thousand) is due to Township Staff identifying ways to reduce costs.  We have...

Energy Infrastructure–Consultations

The Long Term Energy Plan for Ontario is under review.There is much discussion these days about how Ontario’s demand for electricity should be met; Municipal Staff and Council are providing input. As a resident, business owner in Ontario your input is wanted...

Wedding Venue Application Denied

An application to create a banquet facility/wedding venue has been denied unanimously by King Council. As I have not been supportive of the application when it was first presented at Council I am very pleased that Council’s position on the matter is so clear;...

Petitions to Council

Over the last couple months Council has received petitions from residents requesting a variety of changes to municipal property:  installation of speed bumps and modifications to development plans such that a sidewalk is not poured and a landscaped island is not...

Motion on review of ORMCP and GB–update

My motion that a letter should be sent to Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing requesting that the process for reviewing the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) and the Greenbelt Plan (GB) be identified was passed unanimously at July 8th Council. ...