King Road–to be improved but not widened

We heard good news from York Region at July 9 Council:  the project to improve King Road between Highways 400 and 27 has been substantially scaled back.  The EA to widen it has been cancelled.  There will be modifications to 5 intersections on King Road to improve...

New Transit Fare Subsidy Program

York Region has implemented a pilot program for transit fare subsidies for intellectually challenged people.   Under the pilot program, eligible Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) clients will receive a 50-per cent discount on York Region...

Paving King City Streets

Restoration of roads damaged during sewer installation is finally going to be completed in King City with a few exceptions as reviewed below.  The 2012 work plan has always included paving a number of streets but the budget was inadequate to do all.  Now, thanks to...

Resolution on Large Scale Wind Farms

My motion regarding large scale developments of wind turbines passed unanimously at Council 6/25/12.  Wind energy, along with other renewable energy sources, is an important energy source; our energy mix must feature more renewables in the future.  Having said that,...

Sustainability Plan Update

Important milestones in our Sustainability Plan have been accomplished.  Terms of Reference (TofR) for the Sustainability Committee (SC) was approved by Council 6/25. And the Sustainability Plan was launched to all Municipal Staff this week. Next step:  appoint the 4...