Mary Lake Estates–2nd OMB pre-hearing

The 2nd OMB pre-hearing on the development at Mary Lake Estates (or the Culotta property) was held February 24 as a revised draft subdivision plan had been submitted by the proponent.  It is against this draft the appeal to the OMB will proceed. From my perspective...

Sustainable King Public Forum

The draft plan for Sustainable King is completed.   To celebrate its completion and to provide another opportunity for residents and businesses to understand it and provide comments a public forum is scheduled for Wednesday, March 7th at 6:30PM at the Country Day...

Long overdue….tree bylaw in King

I have heard concerns from a number of people about a project at ClubLink’s King Valley golf course to cut down a number of trees.  As the  project surpassed the limit allowed by York Region (YR) for tree removal without a permit King Valley did make an application. ...

2012 Budget and Business Plan Approved

Monday the budget and business plan was passed.  As adopted, the 2012 Budget & Business Plan, when considered with the Regional and Education components, results in a 3.63% property tax increase.  For a home assessed at $607,709 (the average assessment in King...