Changes to SAC and ICSP

Mar 18, 2023 | Climate Action, Policies, Masterplans, The Issues | 0 comments

On Monday, March 20 council agenda there is a staff report recommending the transition of the Sustainability Advisory Committee (SAC) to an Environmental Action Team and to not pursue the refresh of the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP).  I agree with not pursuing the refresh of the ICSP; further below I elaborate on this.  With one important caveat I like the idea of the Environmental Action Team (EAT), as described, particularly as it will be more flexible for volunteers and more attractive for youth. The caveat is that I think there needs to be something like a Climate Action Advisory Committee and within it there would be the proposed EAT.   As the Climate Action Plan has not yet been approved I can appreciate why this is not being addressed; but as presented in the report it is not being clearly stated that environmental action is climate action.  We need to stop talking as though environmental action (e.g. protecting tress and wetlands, planting trees) is distinct from climate action.

To elaborate on my agreement to not refresh the ICSP.   As reviewed in the report it is redundant given the new Official Plan, Our King, and other plans which are in place or on track to be in place such as the Climate Action Plan. I along with other members of the SAC  participated in many meetings with an objective with an objective of refreshing the plan; our inability to do this really was the indicator that it would not be a valuable plan. I believe it would be redundant and very importantly it would divert scarce resources, both staff and volunteers, from executing the climate action plan.

Finally, even though I am positive about this transition I must comment that I don’t agree with how SAC has been described as being essentially a passive committee.  During its 10 years SAC did initiate events and programs and it did do outreach to the community in a number of ways.

I am interested in your comments.  Please email questions and comments to prior to noon March 20 and such will be shared with Council and/or register to make a deputation by noon.


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