At July 8 Council there will be a debate on a resolution put forwarded by Mayor Pellegrini and seconded by me re: declaring a climate emergency. I believe this declaration is appropriate. As reported in the media, as we see already consequences of global warming and as identified in the resolution there is a threat to our planet, to all human kind. Humans have contributed to this situation because of green house gases (GHG). All, including King, needs to participate in the effort to reduce GHG. This resolution does not define how we are going to do that but it does say that it is going to be, henceforth, a priority for us. We need a action plan to engage all our community along with reducing the municipality’s contribution to the problem. Some question use of the word “emergency;” I believe it is the right word as the definition of emergency includes the concept of taking action in response to the problem. Importantly the resolution also indicates the need to consider how to mitigate and adapt.
Thanks for your initiation of these processes. I agree this is a major concern and problem that needs to be addressed. I support you in your efforts for us and the planet. It is too bad that our provincial government is not equally concerned and active.
Happy to report that Council with a 4/3 vote did pass the resolution and that the aggressive targets for the energy management plan were approved unanimously by the Council. There was very good Council discussion about both. Understandably there was concern about the targets, specifically how aggressive they are. I too am concerned in that it is going to require Council to make some very tough decisions in order to achieve those targets in a fiscally responsible manner. But that is indeed what we need to do.