Community Improvement Plan

Feb 27, 2021 | Debbie in the Community | 0 comments

On March 1 Council agenda there is the draft for a revised Community Improvement Plan (CIP),  a tool that allows municipalities to provide incentive based programs such as  grants to stimulate and support private sector investment and revitalization within defined geographical project areas. Our current CIP, inplace for 6 years, is focused on the cores of our 3 villages.  As reviewed in the report the CIP has been successful.  For every Township $1 private sector spent $13.50 in 2018-2020.  The revised plan proposes to make eligible certain properties across the whole township for various incentives.Conditions for eligibility include location (there are 5 “precincts” e.g. village core or hamlet commercial) and kind of project (there are 8 different ones e.g. facade, property improvement.)  It’s appropriate that we  continue to focus on the village cores  and its worthwhile to acknowledge that the “vibe” of our cores is created by more than the commercial enterprises; hence, opening eligibility to historic properties in the core does have merit.   I am very pleased with the expansion of eligible areas; enterprises which make King special and are in our hamlets or in rural areas will be eligible for CIP’s.   This is a draft plan.  I do have some feedback; please provide yours with either a deputation or an email.

To read the report and all the appendices see the meeting’s agenda; appendix A is the draft report, appendix B show the maps for each of the 11 precincts, C and D provide more information.  For more background , including consultation process to date visit our digital engagement tool.  As the meeting is being conducted virtually it is necessary to register to make a deputation; alternatively you can send an email.  To register or to email your questions and comments do so at by March 1 noon.


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