Delegating Authority

Jun 20, 2020 | Debbie in the Community | 0 comments

On Jne 22 agenda there is a Staff report recommending delegation of authority to Director of Growth Management Services (GMS) for two processes.  (GMS is a new department composed of Planning, Building and Bylaw; the Director of GMS is Stephen Naylor who was Director of Planning.)  1st process to be delegated is site plan approval, including allocations.  Second process is for allowing encroachments onto public land (e.g. sidewalks) for new or expanded patios. As reviewed in the report the incentive to do this is to reduce review time of applications. Beneficiaries of this is the developer whose projects will be completed more quickly; Township will benefit with new businesses or residents being in place and contributing to economy and/or tax base more quickly; less Staff time is required by eliminating need for one set of Council reports.  I totally understand the rationale.  I am uncomfortable with the delegation RE: encumbrances.  We are just staring to really pay attention to active transportation.  To now start inhibiting/restricting this  by having patio tables on sidewalks is a very big deal.  Given the importance of the economy being re-opened, safey, I can likely accept this delegation for a defined/fixed  period of time but I first have some questions.  I also have some questions about delegating site plan approvals.


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