Does Ontario really need that generator?

Mar 24, 2011 | The Issues | 1 comment

The prospect of a gas fired generator in the Holland Marsh continues to really bother me.  My anger about the “faulty process” was re-ignited recently when I read the John Spears’ article. (Toronto Star Business Reporter).  You can read the whole article here.

To give you a sense of why I got fired up here are a few quotes:

“Since Ontario’s electricity market opened in 2002, electricity generators have been paid millions for not producing power.”

“…one unnamed generator has discovered a loophole allowing it to wring nearly $19 million in extra payments out of the system by unnecessarily switching on and off during the day — the equivalent of a working stiff earning a bonus every time he makes a coffee run to Timmy’s.

The Independent Electricity System Operator says that it has been working to curb the expensive practices. And the Ontario Energy Board has asked for a report next months (sic) on what steps are being taken.”

“Money for the extra payments is built into the price paid by every electricity user in the province.”

Citizens’ in-depth research into the alleged gap in supply vs demand has caused skepticism about the argument as to why a generator is required in North York Region.  And despite several specific targeted requests for data, the skepticism has never been eliminated.  Reading Spears’ article only augments suspicions about the robustness of forecasts.

1 Comment

  1. judy

    It is impossible to accept a political process which treats citizen’s intelligence as well as rights with such contempt.

    We are treated like foolish helpless and powerless pawns. What country does this sound like? Can Ontario have sunk so low?

    It appears that we are living under autocratic rule. Laws no longer guide decisions which we can accept as democratic. Facts and figures do not count. Is this the Ontario that we once believed in?

    It is not possible to accept this.
    How do we deal with it except for all of us to become involved in the upcoming Provincial election and remove this govenment across the province.

    How do we stop the generator in the meantime?

    Compliments to Debbie and to the news reporter for fighting against the above disgraceful situation.
    Please keep the principled objections and reporting alive.


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