FIT Applications: not all get our endorsement

Sep 27, 2015 | The Issues | 0 comments

On Council agenda there is a report recommending Council support for several Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) applications but recommending no support for one at 2740 Davis Drive (Cardinal Golf Course).  Having read the report I now understand the rational for the latter and I concur with the recommendation.  I am supporting it  given the amount of information provided AND my perception that the FIT programs are oversubscribed.  I strongly believe that renewables are essential if we are to become sustainable; given this I have personally not been very sympathetic to opposition to renewables for purely visual aesthetic reasons. In this case, the possible safety issues need to be better assessed (i.e. studies done on sun reflections throughout the day and over the whole year); and there would need to be a case that FIT capacity is being wasted as there are not other applications.

Background:  proponents for FIT seek to have Municipal endorsement as having such will give them priority points with Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO).  This applicant, in theory, could still be successful, if they ranked very high on other factors and/or other applications are weak.  To date Municipality has endorsed many applications; and I am aware that several of those applicants have been successful in getting a FIT contract.  You can read the report here.



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