At 5/28 Council agenda we reviewed a proposed resolution to send to Metrolinx regarding our concerns about train whistles. Councillor Mortelliti and myself asked for an additional statement to be added to specifically ask for whistles to be used in a consistent and sensitive manner when entering and leaving King Township. Council supported the amended resolution. Here is the staff report including the original resolution. If anyone being disturbed by the whistles has not yet submitted a complaint to Metrolinx I encourage you to do so. Here is contact information.
Note: I had intended to publish this post prior to the Council meeting but was unable due to serious technical problems.
Why does the 5/28 resolution put to (or to be put to) Metrolinx regarding the conduct of a safety audit for the possibility of a whistling cessation or reduction of whistle blowing at the 3 at-grade crossings within the Township limit itself to between the hours of 10pm and 6am?
I don’t recall anything in Report EPWB 2018-09 “Request to Eliminate Train Whistling at Public Grade Crossings within the Township of King” referring to a time criterion. That Report appeared to refer only to studying the requirements for and seeking an agreement and declaration that whistles should not be used at a specified area (crossing or multiple crossings) along a railway corridor.
Hello Francesco, 1st I want to apologize that I have not responded earlier to your comment. I have been unable to access my blog due to technical problems;the latter has been finally solved. Have to say that your question is a very good one. All the complaints received have been almost exclusive to annoyance during the evening/night hours. Once we hear back from Metrolinx in how they are going to proceed I think there will be opportunity to talk about the total 24 hours. I think there is value in focussing on the priority time interval.
Hi Debbie and Francesco,
I also believe that Francesco is right, I have made numerous complaints about this and although I mentioned it is “more annoying” during these hours, it does not mean it is not annoying during the day.
If Metrolinx is working on laying a second track, which requires updates to the crossing, why not implement the full safety measures that would allow for complete cessation of the whistles?
Debbie, can you please let us know what is the next step? Who needs to make the request and whose court the ball is in?
BTW, congrats on being re-elected!
Hello Seyed, Installing a 2nd track will require new barriers and I fully agree that those barriers should be the high performing ones which will meet the criteria for whistle cessation/reduction. That is exactly what the municipality and the Region is planning for. Unfortunately we have not been given a schedule. Note: I have deliberately said “cessation/reduction” as it is an unrealistic expectation that it will be fully eliminated. Metrolinx or any other rail provider will always maintain right to whistle for safety. I am frustrated that there is not more information re:Metrolinx’s schedule. But…will keep trying.
Hi Debbie,
We moved here in 2016 near the King GO station and we never had an issue with the trains until maybe a year ago. It appears the trains are increasing in frequency, and late into the night. Sometimes, we hear them as late as 1 AM ? Not that it is anyone else’s problem, but we have a baby and those horns are quite a shock at that time of the night.
We know you’re doing your best, and you are doing a wonderful job. Please keep pushing this agenda for us.
Hello Philip, Your statement about your crying child being no one else’s problem, is correct when interpreted/read literally; but, it does signify a problem for the greater community. We need public transit for air quality, to reduce congestion; but it should not be at the expense of sleepless nights…neither for kids nor adults. I will keep pushing.