I don’t think anyone would disagree that goods need to be transported efficiently if the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the whole province is to be competitive; hence the current congested route for goods between Vaughan City Centre and Guelph needs to be addressed. 4 years ago Province initiated a study area for a new transportation corridor; now Province is undertaking Stage 2 of the Environmental Assessment (EA). The first round of public information sessions are underway. Read the notice here for more information about the Transportation Corridor and two information sessions. The session closest to King is on Tuesday December 2 3-4 PM at Chateau Le Jardin Conference Cetnre at 8440 Highway 27 in Woodbridge.
The Province has determined that the transportation corridor is to be more pavement i.e. a new 400 series highway; what is yet to be confirmed is its location. I am very disappointed that an additional road is the perceived solution; along with many others I have promoted more investment in transit and rail services. Building a new highway across agricultural and predominately rural lands to service urban centres is not consistent with a sustainable planning approach when there are viable alternatives.
I am relieved that the study area has now been modified such that the new highway will not not traverse the Oak Ridges Moraine. But, it is still very concerning as it does traverse very environmentally sensitive areas as it crosses the Humber River Valley lands. The new study area is all south of King Road but it is very close.
This new highway, when it is built, will have a significant impact on environment. If the Province insists on this solution we need to hold the Province to a very high standard in design; and we need to ensure that full impact of interchanges is assessed rigorously. By attending the public information session you show that you are concerned about these issues.