Keele and 17th SDRD Intersection Improvement

Feb 4, 2013 | Debbie in the Community | 6 comments

Intersection of 17th SDRD and Keele has long been considered a dangerous intersection due to sightlines and speeding.  York Region’s recently approved 10 year capital now includes a project to address it. Current schedule shows implementation in 2015.

You can read here a report by King Township Engineering summarizing the project.

I reported earlier that there is a project to install a roundabout at Keele/LloydtownAurora Rd.

To see all YR projects including the ones in King on the regional roads, you can review York Region’s 10 year capital program here.




    I hope that traffic lights are installed before the turning lanes are built, since without these it would only encourage drivers on Keele Street to enter the intersection at higher speeds. This would not address the dangers of crossing Keele street for drivers travelling along the 17th Side Road.
    Apart from the existing sight line problems, which hopefully will be addressed, drivers seem to take little notice of the 60kph speed limit and even overtake on the south section of Keele.
    Maybe cameras should be installed to monitor bad drivers!

    Kind regards,

    • Debbie

      Hello Graham, would be a very bad situation if there were turning lanes and no lights! Our new radar board is equipped with cameras so I anticipate that we will be able to monitor and report offenders. Debbie

  2. Jeff Laidlaw

    I read a letter in today’s King Sentinel (Oct 9, 2013), and have to say that I had my concerns when I first heard of this plan by York Region to place a roundabout in this location.

    Simply, in my view, the traffic volume is too great, the speed too high along this stretch of road, for the introduction of a safe roundabout feature.

    While I would have no desire to see a traffic light installed in this location, it’s my view that a traffic light would be a better, more responsive and cheaper feature than the proposed roundabout.

    I hope that the meeting on October 16th is well attended and that York Region (and King Township to a lesser extent) listens to the people in attendance,,,, and that the meeting is a lot more than just lip service.


    Jeff Laidlwa

    • Debbie

      Hi Jeff, Nice of you to stay in touch with what is happening in King even though you are away. I too hope that people take advantage of the meeting to learn the facts and the thinking behind the current lead option.

  3. Brittany

    When will lights be added to this intersection? It remains to be very dangerous and I’ve witnessed two accidents recently.

    • Debbie

      Hello Brittany,There is no plan to make this a signalized intersection. I have talked many times to both Regional and Twshp Staff about this intersection. I am hopeful that there will be a project on the Region’s new 10 year capital plan to address this.


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