Keele One

Jan 11, 2019 | Policies, Masterplans | 0 comments

At last Council meeting (December 10) there was a report on Keele One.  Several residents made deputations citing concerns:  about process and some specific details.  I can appreciate that some citizens were somewhat surprised that we were at the stage of approving the plan  as it had been some time since the project had been at Council.  There was a lengthy hiatus due to new issues being identified by TRCA which had to be addressed; as the latter was successfully resolved we could finally move forward with an implementing bylaw. As a result of the deputations changes were made to by-law:  potential uses in the commercial space was reduced and the floor space calculation was better defined.  Here is the implementing by-law.

Many of the questions/issues identified in the deputations were not new and had been addressed in 2016. I am not saying that changes were made because they had been identified but rather they were assessed and considered.  In some cases, the idea has been acknowledged by the developer and they will consider implementation but will be balancing it against our expectation of a lower price point of housing to be delivered.





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