Kingscross Estates is admired by many for its natural heritage including wetlands and large trees. Driving along the winding Kingscross Drive can be a real respite from the traffic of Keele; but that same road is used by walkers as there are no sidewalks of paths. For a large proportion of the 100+ residents who living on the Drive, the road has become too hazardous to walk on as too many of the cars are driving at excessive speeds. A petition requesting traffic calming was presented to Council in fall requesting traffic calming; in an effort to provide some relief 3 stop signs were erected. At June 9 Council there is a report recommending temporary speed bumps as the next step to respond to the residents’ petition.
I am aware that some people are very opposed to speed bumps; but in the absence of finding another way to slow down the traffic I believe they are appropriate in this case.