I have heard concerns from a number of people about a project at ClubLink’s King Valley golf course to cut down a number of trees. As the project surpassed the limit allowed by York Region (YR) for tree removal without a permit King Valley did make an application. The report from YR Environmental Service was tabled last week; you can read it here.
In addition to the actual application specifics the report serves as another reminder that King Township does not have its own tree cutting bylaw. (King is one of the few, if not the only lower tier municipality without one!) This deficiency is certainly not due to lack of effort on the part of citizens, citizen groups and the King Environmental Advisory Committee during last several years.
At Council 02/13 under New Business, Councillor Mortelliti tabled a request for Staff to bring forward a recommendation for a tree bylaw for King Township. I know that there are some who doubt the wisdom/value of such a bylaw because of the real challenges associated with enforcement. Notwithstanding this reality I think we need a bylaw as that is what will then drive appropriate stewardship training and education; also there is the possibility of including remediation requirements.
I think the timing for creating and implementing a tree bylaw in King Township is very appropriate as we are soon to be launching our Sustainability Plan.
I am encouraged to hear the news of Councilor Mortelitti’s motion to request staff to bring forward a recommendation for a King Township Tree By-Law. It’s high time for King to have it’s own “Made in King” tree by-law, as new subdivisions and redevelopment projects move forward. I believe it is very important to retain forest cover we have in King Township and to recognize “heritage trees” in our communities and along our roads.
Debbie, you are so right about past efforts by KEAC and others to see a King tree by-law finalized and approved. I hope the process this time around reaches completion and a Tree By-Law is adopted in short order.
Bruce Craig, Resident of King Township
You have said it all Bruce. Thanks for your comment. Debbie
I believe the tree bylaw is appropriate and very much warranted.
I live in Kingscross and I am surrounded by the splendor of large 100 year old Oaks and Maples. Although some trees do cause hazardous situations and I do understand the need to cut some of them down. We live in a world where our natural resources are diminishing at an alarming rate. Lets do our part to preserve.
Way to go Debbie.
thanks Pat for your encouragement. In addition to preventing tree cutting, a bylaw also sets the stage for providing education…both as to the value of trees but also how to maintain health etc. Debbie