Managing & Planning Our Non-Core Assets

Jun 15, 2024 | Budget, Policies, Masterplans | 0 comments

On June 17 Council agenda there is a complex report about the Township’s asset management plan for non-core assets. Given its complexity I very much appreciated that Staff gave Council members a draft of the plan several days before putting it on the agenda.  Further learning will come from the  the Working Council Session at 5pm (i.e. before the council meeting) is on this topic. Members of the public can listen to the presentation by the consultants but are not able to ask questions come make deputations; the latter can be done in the Council meeting which follows.

For those who follow such things the concept of an Asset Management Plan (AMP) for core assets (roads, bridges, culverts, water & sewage infrastructure) Is not new. In 2017 the Province enacted  O.Reg.588/17  with 3 phases. 1st  phase was about core assets. 2nd Phase is about non-core assets (sidewalks and paved pathways, regulatory and warning signs, fleet and equipment, facilities and parks);  with the plan presented in this report we will be in compliance prior to the July 1 2024 deadline.

The complexity is in the analysis and how the conclusions have been formulated. But the message is pretty simple:  our non core assets have an estimated replacement value of $305.8 million and 81% of them are in fair or better condition. The reason for having a management plan is to ensure that the assets are meeting the needs of residents and businesses and that there is a financial plan for providing them sustainably.

In the fall we will be looking at our budget for 2025; including the implications of the AMP for non-core will need to be included.


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