Budget & Business Plan 2024 final

On December 11 Council agenda there is a report recommending approval of budget and business plan for 2024.  Given the approved York Region budget the blended rate in King Township increases about 3.54%; for a property assessed at $1 million this is an increase of...

Fees in 2024

On December 11 council agenda there is a report recommending a new bylaw for fees and charges in 2024.  Fees and charges are set to recover costs to provide the services which the Township provides which is everything from renting a room, accessing a rink to skate and...

Budget 2024 at Council

The draft budget and business plan calls for a municipal tax increase of 5.49%.  Proposed budget represents an increase of $2.127 million; 1/3  ($.673 million) is to pay for program changes.  Having reviewed the justifications for the latter I have come round to...

Water Bills For Condo Residents

Earlier i made a post about the recommended 2024 water and wastewater rate report on the November 13, Council agenda.  I have just realized that I neglected to draw attention to the proposed changes  to the water bills for those living in condominiums.  I think the...

2024 Budget Book

The draft budget calls for a municipal tax increase of 5.49% which is higher than what I was hoping for but I can’t claim surprise as previous years have been very tight and I was aware that new spending could not be avoided forever.  I am still working to fully...