OMB Pre-hearing on King City Subdivision

Dec 29, 2011 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues | 5 comments

Across from the Villanova College on the 15th SDRD there is a 24.9 hectare (61 acre) property referred to as Mary Lake Estates and/or the Culotta property.  During the last few years there have been a couple unsuccessful efforts by the proponent to receive draft subdivision approval for developing that site.   The proponent, believing the Township has been negligent in dealing with their application, have now made an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).  A pre-hearing for the appeal will be held on January 9, 2012 at 10:30.

The proponent’s application is to build about 100 detached houses with lot sizes varying from 50-80 feet and 7 detached houses with a common driveway.  The proposed density is significantly greater than the density of the estate community abutting it to the south; specifically, the new one will be about 5 units/ha  whereas the current community (Kings Cross) is 1/ha; however, its proposed density is consistent with the density assigned to it per the King City Community Plan.  The latter was assigned by the OMB in 1999/2000 when the whole Community Plan was under appeal.

The Community plan, however, is not just about the hard numbers of density.  About a new subdivision at this location the plan says:

along the Keele St. frontage and the Keele St/15th SDRD node [it should be] generally compatible with the existing character of residential development north of the East Humber River

at the southerly boundary [it] provides a transition to the abutting estate residential development

The Community Plan goes even further in setting an expectation for compatibility with current/established properties. “…residential development at the southerly boundary between the two stream corridors shall consist of large lots to provide a transition and a greater degree of compatibility with abutting estate residential development. “

To date the proponent has not submitted a plan which meets these expectations of compatability.  In some respects the last proposal presented to the public was a far cry from that as the plan showed multiple lots abutting one estate lot and at worst there were 4-5 abutting one.

Finally, it should mention that there are important environmental features on the site; and protection of these is also clearly defined in the Community Plan.  Violation of that expectation has not been identified as an issue.

The Jan. 9 pre-hearing is open to the public.   If someone wants to participate in the appeal as a “party” or as a “participant” they must attend the pre-hearing.  To understand the protocols and rules of an OMB hearing, visit the OMB website (  or you can click here. The file number for this appeal is PL110862



  1. Sheila Comisso

    Attending this pre-hearing will certainly tell us the worth of our Community Plan. It is not surprising the applicant has chosen to say in Mr. Vandervelde’s words the “game of avoiding negotiation,side-stepping Council and planning ” and go directly to the OMB. In which case should this become the norm for development in King City and elsewhere, perhaps we should consider the need for a Township Council, Township staff and Ratepayer Associations if big landowners waving big money think they are better at interpreting what is good for all of us.

    Postage size lots with mega energy consuming houses might be someone’s interpretation of the good life but I believe the average Ontario citizen is waking up to the fact those days are numbered. Saying no might not make us any friends in the OMB but at least saying so represents the will of the people. Making towns larger does not necessarily mean life is any better.

    • Debbie

      Hi Sheila, It is frustrating, to say the least, to have decisions made by 3rd parties who are appointed and are accountable to none. To avoid “disappointment” about what transpires at the pre-hearing I want to clarify that the content of that day is to define issues, identify who is involved and how one is involved (i.e. as a participant or a party) and the date for the actual hearing.

    • Nancy Jones

      Good luck. New homes in my subdivision have been given the go ahead despite the fact that they are not in keeping with the existing homes in the neighbourhood. The precedent has been set.
      Hope you are successful!

  2. Pat Di Fiore

    Hello all and hello Debbie

    I am new to Kingscross and although I have heard about this application it is still new to me. I believe there is a meeting this Thursday evening to discuss the the hearing.

    I shall be there in attendance.

    As for the ratepayers association, I have mentioned before that I am very much in favour of this and have some ideas about getting it started.

    I have taken the initial steps to develop a web page for Kingscross Estates. The web page will be interactive with a chat forum. It will be web page intended for the preservation of Kingscross and its surrounding area. It will not be limited to Kingscross but indeed the intent is for the benefit of all of King City.

    Its a work in progress and I have my first meeting this evening. If you would like to offer some suggestions, please let me know.

    Thank you
    Pat Di Fiore

    • Debbie

      Hello Pat, I bet your fellow community members will welcome your efforts to improve communication etc. with a website for Kingscross. Debbie


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