Welcome to my blog! MY primary objective is to alert my constituents and others in King Township about issues being reviewed at the upcoming Council meetings. I do this as I believe the quality of Council decisions is enhanced when the public is engaged. I hope that residents will make deputations and/or send emails to Council to express their opinion and/or to ask important questions. Also, I include notice of meetings and events which I think are particularly important. I welcome your comments, whether you agree or not with me, and only edit to eliminate inappropriate language.
Recent Posts
Motion About Safety on Rural Roads
On November 25 Council agenda there is motion by Councillor Anesty which has been seconded by Councillor Asselstine regarding establishment of an Ontario Rural Road Safety Program. Here is the motion. I am very supportive. If you would like the Council to know your perspective about this motion you can send an email to clerks@king.ca by noon November 25 and it will be circulated to Council....
Motion regarding Bail Reform and Bill C-48
On November 25 Council agenda there is motion by Councillor Boyd which has been seconded by Mayor Pellegrini regarding Bail Reform and Bill C-48 Here is the motion. I am very supportive of what the motion requests. I am not so sure about the second "whereas" indicating that the criminal activities in Nobleton and throughout King and York Region have "significantly impacted our community."...
Community Safety Meeting
On November 18th York Region Police (YRP)and King hosted a meeting about community safety. The meeting was in response to incidents in Nobleton. But, the information and learnings presented by YRP . re totally relevant to any community/neighbourhood in King. If you were not able to attend or watch the live stream a video recording is available. One of the big learnings I had, as I watched...
413 is NOT a done deal
November 19 I listened to very informative, well researched webinar hosted by Environmental Defence. As someone who has been opposed to this highway for years on the basis that it doesn't solved the stated problem, there is an easy alternative for reducing the truck traffic on 401 which would eases congestion on the 401 and very importantly the amount of natural heritage damage is unacceptable...
Hello Mary, 1st you submitted your comment at the post re Zancor Centre update. I have copied the comment to…
what does “a new hospital currently in the planning stages” mean?? I don’t think I ever saw it any more…
Hello Ian.Fist I will say that I understand your disappointment; the road is very rough. have asked Staff for some…
Hello Stephen, I am so glad that have looked at the budget and have asked a great question. This DC…
The Zancor building has not been funded by residents taxes, but $22,900.00 is raised by decelopent charges. Where is that…